When I was diagnosed with leg lipedema, I felt very unwell due to obesity and years of losing faith in myself. Two years later I was diagnosed with my arms and I got into a negative spiral of thoughts that I couldn't find my way out of on my own. The
Sport with lipedema: Vanessa's journey from couch potato to triathlete
Nobody is responsible for your life except you. True to this motto, Vanessa Reins authentically and bluntly shows her responsible approach to lipedema on her Instagram account @rundundsportlich with a focus on “Sport with lipedema”. She received her diagnosis in 2014, but initially tried to suppress the chronic illness. According to her
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Lipedema & Lymphedema
Flat Knit Compression: This side seam is a game changer for me
There are things in life that you don't know you need until you have them. The side seam for flat knit compression is one of them and I didn't see its big impact on my comfort coming. But once again I'm anticipating too much. As I as
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4 things you need to know about lymphatic tea
Are you affected by lipedema or lymphedema and would like to know what health benefits lymphatic tea can have for you? Then this blog article is for you. Adequate fluid intake Even more important than nutrition is adequate fluid intake for your body. Hopefully I won't tell you anything new today. It's not for nothing
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Successful liposuction: Tips from someone who has undergone lipedema surgery
Have you decided to have your diagnosed lipedema treated surgically and now it's time to prepare for liposuction? The result can be significantly influenced in advance by these three factors: Physical requirements The success of liposuction naturally depends primarily on your individual physical requirements
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Body and Mind
Vegan cookbook “For Food & Love – self-love begins with good food”
The vegan cookbook “For Food & Love – self-love begins with good food” by author Anne Mühlmeier promises a fusion of Ayurveda, yoga and vegan nutrition to nourish and harmonize body and mind. Especially in the hectic hustle and bustle of our modern lives, more and more people are looking
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Compression connects: Together unique with lipedema, lymphedema and thrombosis
The journey through life with compression is one that many think they must take silently and alone - until they discover the power of a community that walks the same paths. “Be Me. Think We. – Unique together” is not only the motto of medi’s new campaign,
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medi trend colors 2023: How to combine sage, lilac and bloom
It's finally that time again, the medi trend colors 2023 can now be ordered and a new pattern will also be available. Lilac and sage, along with the Bloom design, remind us that compression therapy and style can go hand in hand - or should I say, leg on
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Body and Mind
The Lymph Paddle: Your secret for effective self-massage!
You know me, I'm always looking for something new that can help us in everyday life - especially when it comes to giving our lymphatic system a little love. And guess what? I found something that will inspire you: The Lymph Paddle! Not just a lymph paddle,
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Itchy blisters caused by compression stockings? This is how you solve the problem!
As temperatures rise and we all sweat more, some of us who wear compression socks experience uncomfortable problems. Who doesn't know it: itchy blisters right where the adhesive tape is on the stocking. Before you panic and suspect a silicone allergy, let me explain to you what is happening
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