• Compression in the job interview - to show or not?

    When I had the first job interview in compression after my lipedema diagnosis, I was not wearing arm compression. My concern was that I would be labeled sick and, above all, unattractive for my employer. From today's perspective, it's double nonsense, because now I'm something of an employer myself and know about the strengths of those

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  • What IS fashion, what does it mean for compression wearers?

    A short history of art and an appeal for more awareness and sustainability. Fashion comes from modus = Latin. Manner, measure, “measured”, is the rule of wearing and consuming things within a certain period of time. It changes over time according to people's needs. Items and garments that are positively rated over multiple periods of time

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  • Five rituals for the perfect Corona Christmas

    Usually every year the thought of Christmas makes my chest two inches narrow. The stress between the already work-intensive everyday life (you don't want to drag old burdens with you into the new year), having a boozy Christmas market with friends over mulled wine and the pressure to find the right gifts for everyone you love is the same every time.

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  • The best fall accessories for women with lipedema

    The best accessories for women with lipedema are the most widely cut. Because between the warming autumn sunbeams and the cool wind that sweeps through the streets there are often only seconds, but a perceived 10 ° temperature difference. You quickly get too warm in a jacket and the next moment just too cold again in a sweater. The famous

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