First of all: This article deals with small excerpts from the GdB. Questions about the application, what do I do if “too little GdB” comes out, are the subject of a separate article.
What does GdB mean?
This is short for Degree of disability.
With special needs? Not me, some might think. Especially since the choice of words “disability” has meanwhile been rejected as politically incorrect, especially by those affected. Most of the so-called “disabled people” prefer the term “handicap” with the argument that “we are not hindered by our physical condition, but by others”. Which is of course true, but the legislature usually has longer lead times here.
However, there are also important things to note and take to heart for us lipedema patients in this context.
What can be important for lipedema patients?
For limbs affected by lymphedema there is 0 - 10 as GdB (no, not percent, only GdB). In the "best" case, you get GdB 40. If your ability to walk is already significantly impaired, there is still no way to the G symbol and the associated exemptions in local transport (there will be a separate contribution to the G symbol) . Or, in terms of workplace technology, one does not yet benefit from termination difficulties for the employer. Here, every person affected should check very carefully whether they have really brought in all the impairments. The following often occur in conjunction with a lipedema disease:
- Gonarthrosis, hip osteoarthritis due to the displacement of the leg axis
- Back pain due to the unnatural curvature of the pronounced buttocks area when lying down
- Dermatological damage, contact eczema, especially in the area between the thighs
- Depression
- Diabetes
Unfortunately, there is no GdB for fibromyalgia or restless legs. However, the psychological and physical impairments caused by painful conditions must also be assessed by experts. Obesity as such does not count as a disease, even if it occurs in conjunction with lipedema, only its sequelae.
Handicapped or severely handicapped - what's the difference?
People with a GdB of at least 50 (§ 2 SGB IX) are considered severely disabled. Severely disabled people receive integration assistance (Sections 68 ff. SGB IX), enjoy special protection against dismissal (Sections 85 ff. SGB IX; this also applies to disabled people of equal status with a GdB of at least 30) as well as the right to additional leave (only in the case of severe disabilities, Section 125 SGB IX).
This is where a legally controversial question comes into play: Do you have to report a severe disability to the employer?
This begins with the application and ends in the event of a termination for operational reasons. Only one thing is clear here: You don't have to state a disability without being asked. In most cases, this question concerns those who have not yet reached a severe disability, but who have a GdB of at least 30. If you submit an application for equality, the employer learns from the GdB. So here is the point to be weighed up: do I bring this into play or not?
Retire earlier?
With a GdB of at least 50 you can retire earlier. For those who find it harder and harder to work every year, this is a thoroughly worthwhile alternative. It should be noted here that the waiting period of 35 years must be fulfilled.
With this in mind, more about this and many other topics on this blog,
best regards,
Your Ruth Leitenmaier
What does a waiting period of 35 years mean to retire earlier?
In the "best" case, you get GdB 40. If your ability to walk is already significantly impaired, there is still no way to the G symbol and the associated exemptions in local transport (there will be a separate contribution to the G symbol) .
To get an MZ, you need GDB 50.
If you have 35 years of age and the GdB of 50, you can retire at the age of 63 (or will be increased to 65) without any deductions
Then you couldn't apply for a GdB at 45? Because I don't have 35 years? That can not be. Rather you, I must have paid into the pension fund for 35 years.
Dear Kunigunde, periods of raising children, receiving sick pay, care periods, i.e. not only periods of employment that are subject to pension insurance also count for periods subject to pension insurance. Of course, you can still apply for a GdB at the age of 45. The 35 years are only relevant if you want to retire earlier and this does not happen at all. Otherwise, the usual "benefits" of the GdB (improved protection against dismissal, travel discounts, tax reductions, etc.) count. Kind regards, Ruth
got a GdB of 10 for lipoedema level 2, is that useful to me in the ongoing application and objection procedure against the KAsse when approving a liposuction?
Dear questioner,
A GdB can only be of indirect use here; it is also very dependent on the diseases and limitations in daily participation. An example: You have diabetes that is difficult to control. This can mean that the treatment should definitely take place in an inpatient setting, so a decision on a case-by-case basis can be requested in the inpatient setting. Kind regards, your lawyer Ruth Leitenmaier
Hello, if you are looking for a job and have problems with standing, bending, kneeling, etc., can you state this as a health impairment and therefore not do every job? My legs and thighs are already quite pronounced and long walks etc. are also not possible for me due to my weight of 150 kg. Sitting for long periods causes back pain.
Hello Jacqueline,
yes, you can do it like this. 🙂
Best regards,
Supply medicine regulation under 18. Postural and locomotor organs, rheumatic disease. December 10, 2008 (BGBl. I p. 2412)
18.4 Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and similar syndromes are to be assessed analogously in each individual case according to the functional effects.
And as you can see, there is the Versorungsmediznverodung that every citizen can see on the Internet not only since today. And there are also enough judgments from SG, LSG and BSG, unfortunately those affected have to fight hard for this, as they are already at the limit of their strength. Since the medical officers and this is a scandal always try to trivialize or even deny the clinical picture that goes hand in hand with severe sleep disorders and unbearable pain.
Hello Steffens, I find it very exciting to write that my statements are "complete nonsense" and to refer to human dignity by being insulting. According to the functional effects as well as analog means: there is no direct GdB, but "corresponding". Best regards!