• The best fall accessories for women with lipedema

    The best accessories for women with lipedema are the most widely cut. Because between the warming autumn sunbeams and the cool wind that sweeps through the streets there are often only seconds, but a perceived 10 ° temperature difference. You quickly get too warm in a jacket and the next moment just too cold again in a sweater. The famous

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  • The Liberation: A man in flat knit with shorts

    I would like to specifically address the "fashionable" problem of male compression wearers, from a very personal point of view. When I began to take care of my post-thrombotic legs and an optimal compression fitting a few months ago, I had also made the plan to change something in the future: I wanted to wear flat knitwear with shorts in the summer. Short

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  • Thrombosis: My change from circular knit to flat knit tights

    As a young man I already had deep vein thromboses on both sides and have therefore been wearing compression stockings for over two decades. Since then, there has not been a single day on which I left the house without them. Back then, in the first years after the thrombosis, I usually wore long (AG or AT), but then only calf stockings

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