• Self love vs. Self acceptance

    Self-love, also self-love, denotes the all-embracing acceptance of oneself in the form of an unrestricted love for oneself. The term is synonymous, but not completely synonymous, with terms such as self-acceptance, self-respect, self-care, self-confidence and self-worth. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selbstliebe Yes, self-love is on everyone's lips, but every time I hear it, it makes me wonder. Wikipedia phrased exactly where me probably the

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  • Athleisure Magenta: Dress up joy

    There are times in life that bring you to your knees. But we fighters have one decisive characteristic in common: giving up is not an option. By now you know my inclination for colorful outfits, but with this burner I once again broke all boundaries and above all my own. Remember this little piece of wisdom: The darker

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  • Lingerie and compression - what am I actually afraid of?

    - Advertising - My hands are sweating, my heart starts to pound and I have a queasy feeling in my stomach - it's that time again. The second therapy session on the subject of lingerie and compression lies ahead of me. The challenge this time: Get out of the protective bed. Because even in life outside of the sensitive minute, in

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