As part of the Munich self-help group, I regularly meet people who are at a loss and who are overwhelmed with the course of therapy, especially after the diagnosis has been made. Therefore, I have put together the most frequently asked questions (FAQ = frequently answered questions) on the subject of long-term remedy needs for you. Since 2017 there have been some innovations in the field of lymphology. Regulation of manual
Lipedema & Lymphedema
Life with arm socks
Arm socks: Life with her is poop and it has catapulted me to the edge of my strength, far beyond my frustration limit. But there is always a way out if you don't leave your fate to the looming hole. A hard blow Most arm sufferers have come a long way before they get the
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Lipedema Checklist - What To Do After Diagnosis?
Lipoedema diagnosis Once you have found the right doctor for you and have made the crucial appointment and the lipoedema diagnosis, you will, like many, stand like an ox in front of the mountain. A checklist is needed that provides a good overview for the first steps after the diagnosis. The lipedema checklist after lipedema diagnosis What must be on