How a lipedema nutrition plan changed my life

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I've lost a lot and often in my life, like you probably too. I watched as the pounds tumbled up and down with a lot of discipline and treat myself to something. Why? Because I was just treating symptoms and not origins. This realization was probably even more urgent than I would have suspected. For years I was a slave to my appetite. But now I've found him. The lipedema nutrition plan that changed my life.

But now it's thick ...

Yeah, because that's exactly how my dear long life went. As a child it was only five or six kilos overweight, which I would probably not have had without my neighbor's regular fruit gnomes. Today I am angry about how succinctly my diet and the way in which my further physical career progressed was dealt with. My mother didn't give me endless sweets, but as a child she expected me to lose weight. Alone. By itself. Haha. Another thing that still makes me angry decades later.

Children are known for their steely discipline, irrepressible ambition and iron renunciation - not. Let's be honest. How do children really learn to behave? By example! Without a clear education in dealing with food, energy requirements and quantities, one puts them unprepared in a world full of cravings, rapid sugar intoxication and the threat of obesity. So are we aware of our responsibility and avoid more of these little Caros, who have to atone for such a lack of education all their lives.

lipedema fashion lose weight with lipedema 30kg
Me at my maximum weight and the lowest so far. 127 vs 91 kg

Life is one diet

I have rarely got carried away with any temporary diets in my life. But I think rather that it is due to my lust for pleasure that I haven't even considered it. How I lost my first 35kg you can read here. But I would like to summarize it for you in a nutshell: counting calories and exercise.

Surprise, nobody would have thought that now. But losing weight is theoretically the simplest of biology. Use more energy than you consume. Everything worked wonderfully and I was able to hold this weight for a good two years. But my husband's Haribo broken goods flood hit me hard, especially on the hips. I am one of those people who are not allowed to have any mess at home, because what is at home is eaten. 2kg Maoam cracker? No problem, give me three days. I'm not proud of it, but what does this behavior remind you of? Do you feel like an addiction?

Direct hit! I am addicted.

Hello, I'm Caroline Sprott. I am dry Sugar holic.

Some time ago I read the book of the moderator of my childhood and youth Anastasia Zampounidis "Forever Sugar Free" and asked me the same thing that I am asked almost every day today.

How do you manage to do without sugar?

As probably in any addiction fight. You stop consuming. The realization came much later, but today it finally makes sense to me and you probably have to feel it yourself. You can read in her book how sugar affects your body and why you should actually eliminate it from your everyday life immediately. But let me get it straight to you at this point: it's worth doing the same.

rainbow buttercream frosting

OMG! Run out of carbohydrates? That's impossible, right?

And how to do it. As in every consistent decision in your life, the first thing you have to be aware of is what you are doing something for. What do you want to achieve with a change? What is your goal? What is not going well now, what should work better afterwards?

After a while I just started thinking about myself to eat ketogenic and watch what is happening to my body and especially to my lipedema. Today I can say that my lipoedema pain has noticeably decreased, I am significantly fitter and, at the same time, I lost 10kg in four months. Thanks to Corona and professional workload, unfortunately, even without sport.

But what can you expect from this change?

The abstinence begins with a phase of withdrawal of the body and one usually feels flu and tired. What started immediately, however, was the decreased appetite. Suddenly I stopped chasing the next meal by sniffing my way through the kitchen like a sniff dog on the hunt for snacks. Hehe, cute picture somehow.

But it wasn't cute at all, but for me a clear addictive behavior for cheap, fast energy.

  • Because I needed them
  • because i had a bad day
  • because I had to think a lot
  • because I did something well
  • because I wanted to treat myself to something
  • because I had a visitor
  • because it was monday
  • because it was Friday
  • because i had a meeting
  • because the coffee tastes better with it,
  • because it was Christmas
  • because it was my birthday
  • because it was someone else's birthday
  • because i was doing sports
  • because I wasn't doing sports and most of all,
  • because I was bored.
Three beige yellow and pink heart marshmallows

Slave to my own appetite

With each passing day further removed from my life in the booze and carbohydrate wonderland, I realize how much I have been a slave to my appetite all my life. Both mentally often with the next meal, as well as in the constant fight against obesity. Torn between enjoyment and responsibility.

Suddenly this constant guilty conscience was relieved to actually have to do without and not really want to. You may think I do renounce on carbohydrates, but I simply reject them outright. I will they no longer. I am cured, finally free from this insulin slavery. And I simply don't want to go back that fast.

Will you never eat carbohydrates again?

To be honest, I don't think there will be an end to this change. It changed my life for the first time. Why would I want to end this? For me, there is currently no reason for an exception, because the conviction just gushes out of me. There is none "Slip", if you approach the matter with full conviction and well-informed.

That's exactly how I see it with the statements that they don't want to start before Christmas. Why not? Because you'd prefer to really enjoy it again beforehand? Didn't you have that enough years ago? And what about the next Christmas and the next birthday and and and ... There will always be moments when cravings wait, but there, too, it helps to be very clear about why you are doing this.

Jesus, where can you find this great lipedema nutrition plan?

Yeah, watch out! It's available online. On Your personal lipedema nutrition plan will be created for you and in the specially created lipedema program you will go through an accompanying knowledge section with helpful information on the topic in the first 30 days.

Attention! With the discount code "Quarter sprat" you also save 24,99 € when booking the annual subscription.

So don't forget!

As a passionate cook and this gourmet, it was always difficult for me to stick to any plans. Most of the time it was too expensive for me, not really tasty or simply not enough.

lipedema fashion lipedema nutrition plan slimming food punk

I've never been able to stick to a plan

A big point, why I stick to this lipedema nutrition plan, are the really outstanding recipes that even old cooks inspire me on a regular basis. Really, I'm not exaggerating!

There are dishes here where I can't get out of the Mhhh and aahhh. It's a good thing I don't eat them in public so often, otherwise people will look funny.

The public is a good keyword, because sometimes I'm asked how I do it with food on the go. Well, I'll just pre-cook and wrap it up. In restaurants I order the side dishes and ask for an extra portion of butter. Or two. Mhhh, melted butter on the scrambled eggs in the hotel. Mei, who still thinks of Maoam Kracher?

Now let's be honest, I've swapped the short, cheap sugar rush for lasting satisfaction with maximum taste. And then you still wonder how you can endure it?

That makes food punk perfect for me

Apart from the very high-quality recipes, which you can adjust the amount per person, you can also put together your own dishes. So you wear in the Flex meals Leftovers and what just has to go and Foodpunk shows you what values ​​everything has and how much of them you can best use.

I also love that Shopping list, because you can create for your own period. So you have everything for your purchase at a glance.

Should something change in your life or your weight, the team will adjust the lipedema nutrition plan again. Above all, they are open to questions and offer you extreme good service if you have any questions.

lipedema fashion lipedema nutrition plan slimming food punk

Have you already tried everything? Then it's time for this!

I often wonder how little we invest in our health and how willing we would rather spend the money on smartphones than on a better quality of life. This plan is worth the money and, above all, the bottom line is cheaper than other weight loss programs and, when it comes to lipedema, probably even better informed than some doctors.

If you find yourself in this article, it will be time for what may be the most important change in your life. Your lipedema nutrition plan.

And remember, you are never alone. You know where to find me. And Food punk.

Caroline Sprott Lipedema Health Influencer Avatar

Author: Caroline Sprott

Caroline Sprott is a remarkable personality involved in the world of lipedema. Born in Bochum in 1989, she now lives in Augsburg. Her professional career began as a trained media designer and she works full-time in marketing. But that's not all - Caroline is also a lipedema speaker, author and model. She is committed to the fight against lipedema and is passionate about supporting the community of those affected. Caroline founded the Lipedema Fashion Blog to share her experiences and knowledge with other sufferers. She wants to create a place where women with lipedema can find information without having to go through private Facebook groups. She combines her passion for fashion with her commitment to the lipedema community. Some interesting facts about Caroline Sprott: Style and fashion: Caroline loves fashion and sees it as a passion and therapy at the same time. She doesn't let compression stockings limit her and opts for creative outfits. Style Icon: Your style icon is Grace Kelly, a woman of natural elegance and inspiration. Favorite colors: moss green, yellow, pastels and navy blue. Weakness for animals: Caroline greets every cow - a loving gesture that shows her love for animals. Important life philosophy: Stay inquisitive, curious and optimistic - life is too short to waste even one day. In addition to being a model and entrepreneur, Caroline Sprott is a health influencer who advocates for the lipedema and lymphedema community. Her commitment and positive attitude are inspiring.

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  • Diet culture at it's best. Thanks for nothing!
    I just don't understand why the lipedema community isn't that much further along. Exchanging experiences with those affected could be so valuable. Unfortunately, the toxic diet talk ruins everything.
    Please please please take a look at the topic of anti-diet, health at ans size or body neutrality - without prejudice! For a permanently happy and healthy life. A good point of contact is, for example, Dr. Antonie Post (on Instagram or as a podcast)

    • Hello Jule,

      Thank you for your comment! Dieting is something very different from a change in diet and I strongly advise against the former, like most in the community. Just as a diabetic changes his or her diet, lipedema can also be decided and tried out for yourself. And I've been preaching Body Neutratility for a while, as you can read in this article, for example:

      I don't know how carefully you read the above text, but it's not just about lipedema, but also about my addiction-like eating behavior, which has complained me in my life and which I have now been able to turn into a positive through a changeover. (Not to mention the influence on my lipedema pain)

      I think everyone has to decide for themselves what they need for a happy and healthy life. It's great that you've already found yours! That is something very valuable. 🙂

      I wish you happy holidays and a good healthy time!

      Best regards,