I don't want to sugarcoat anything here - as a compression hero with lipedema, lymphedema or venous disease, skin care will always be an important topic for you. Below I would like to introduce you to the most important topics related to skin care for lipedema, lymphedema and thrombosis. There are different factors, such as foot care, the care products themselves and scrubbing,
Lipedema & Lymphedema
3 dressing aids that immediately make life easier with compression + competition
Every morning our compression stockings present us with a challenge. Regardless of whether you have lipedema, lymphedema or thrombosis – putting on the flat-knit or circular-knit garment can be quite sweaty. Do you often lack strength in your arms? Then you will love these dressing aids! Has kept its promise every morning for over a decade than me
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Lipedema & Lymphedema
Do you know these facts about summer in compression socks?
Summer in compression socks is always a big topic, so it's high time we provided you with the ultimate expert knowledge so you can finally enjoy the warm days again! I have been wearing flat knit compression on my arms and legs for over 14 years. Benefit from my years of experience and the tips and tricks from the lipedema community
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Lipedema & Lymphedema
Alternative to flat knit compression: Which compression clothing is right for me?
STOP! Before you think, “Compression alternative? How bidde? And what about medical compression care? What is this here now?”, please take a quick breath. We all know them, the moments in life where you just don't jump into your compression gallantly and skillfully as usual, but give up in frustration after several attempts and then
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Lipedema & Lymphedema
This is how you effectively combat the formation of edema in the chest area
Since my liposuctions many years ago, my body has changed a lot. The well-known and feared redistribution is also noticeable in me and I keep noticing the formation of edema in the chest area and back and therefore increased pain. Important in advance: if you suspect full-blown lymphedema, please talk to us
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Sport with lipedema: Vanessa's journey from couch potato to triathlete
Nobody is responsible for your life except you. True to this motto, Vanessa Reins authentically and bluntly shows her responsible approach to lipedema on her Instagram account @rundundsportlich with a focus on “Sport with lipedema”. She received her diagnosis in 2014, but initially tried to suppress the chronic illness. After her first lipedema rehab in 2017
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Lipedema & Lymphedema
Flat Knit Compression: This side seam is a game changer for me
There are things in life that you don't know you need until you have them. The side seam for flat knit compression is one of them and I didn't see its big impact on my comfort coming. But once again I'm anticipating too much. When I, as a tester, used the new option for...
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Successful liposuction: Tips from someone who has undergone lipedema surgery
Have you decided to have your diagnosed lipedema treated surgically and now it's time to prepare for liposuction? The result can be significantly influenced in advance by these three factors: Physical requirements The success of liposuction naturally depends primarily on your individual physical requirements. Factors such as extent
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Compression connects: Together unique with lipedema, lymphedema and thrombosis
The journey through life with compression is one that many think they must take silently and alone - until they discover the power of a community that walks the same paths. “Be Me. Think We. – Unique together” is not only the motto of medi’s new campaign, it is an echo of mine