• Lipedema education at FIBO

    Almost exactly a year ago, after her visit to FIBO, Christiane expressed the wish that we could work together as #lipedema sisters to ensure more visibility there in 2024. Ursel also thought this idea was really great and slowly started to plan it. When I heard that, I was immediately fired up

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  • 14 must-haves for your spring vacation with lipedema and lymphedema

    The first rays of sunshine tickle my nose. The world awakens in new colors. The scent of spring captivates my senses. A warm wind blows through my hair. When I'm shopping, mischievous Easter bunnies smile at me everywhere. It's spring. The long Easter weekend is approaching! My heart starts jumping up and down joyfully. And my lovely lipedema legs say: “Let’s go somewhere!” You know

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  • 4 things you need to know about lymphatic tea

    Are you affected by lipedema or lymphedema and would like to know what health benefits lymphatic tea can have for you? Then this blog article is for you. Adequate fluid intake Even more important than nutrition is adequate fluid intake for your body. Hopefully I won't tell you anything new today. It is not for nothing that one of the first questions asked by all medical professionals is:

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